Nuit Hantée: the capsule that makes shudder... Discover


Sales Conditions

The present general terms of sale (the "Terms and Conditions") are entered into between ALEXANDRE DE PARIS and any individual who is not a merchant and wishes to make a purchase.
The present Terms and Conditions exclusively govern relations with the company ALEXANDRE DE PARIS.
ALEXANDRE DE PARIS reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. They will be applicable as soon as they appear online.

The products governed by the present Terms and Conditions are those which appear on the website and are indicated as sold and shipped by ALEXANDRE DE PARIS (the “Products”). They are offered while stocks last.
The key features of the Products are described with the greatest possible accuracy.

Product prices are indicated in Euros inclusive of all tax for metropolitan France and in Euro exclusive of taxes for international sales. For metropolitan France, they include VAT and any discounts that apply on the day of the order. They don't include any taxes, including customs fees, depending on the laws of the country of delivery, that will be directly paid by the client.
Product prices do not include shipping costs. Delivery charges will be specified prior to validation of the order.
If one or several taxes or contributions, including environmental, were to be created or modified, whether upwards or downwards, this change may be reflected in the selling price of the Products on the website and various sales media.
However, a price cannot be changed once your order is confirmed.

Prior identification
To order, you must be identified with your email address and your password. A client ordering for the first time must create an account.

Order recording and validation
Once the order is validated, you must choose the address and delivery method, and validate your payment. This last step formalizes the sales contract.
All orders imply acceptance of prices and descriptions of products sold.
ALEXANDRE DE PARIS will acknowledge receipt of your order by sending you an email.
In some cases, especially default of payment of a previous order, incorrect address, or any other problem with your account, ALEXANDRE DE PARIS reserves the right to block your order until the problem has been resolved.
Only available products can be ordered. Cancellation of the Product order and potential refund (payment can only be taken for products available when the order is made, not for product pre-orders) will then proceed, and the rest of the order will remain firm and final.
For any question relating to order tracking, please call +33 7 85 59 15 11 (cost of a local call) from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:30.

Payment terms
The following may be used to pay for your order:
- credit card: Carte Bleue, Visa, MasterCard, Eurocard. Your account will be debited as soon as the order is validated. If any products were to be out of stock or unavailable, the amount for these products will be re-credited.
- Paypal account.
- bank transfer: when you select this method of payment, you will find a link to the information necessary for proceeding.
Please carefully note the transaction reference information. Your order will be processed as soon as possible upon receipt of your payment.

Delivery terms
The products are delivered to the address indicated by the buyer on the order form and only in the geographical areas that we serve.

After order confirmation and subject to the availability of the items ordered, Alexandre de Paris makes his best efforts to have your order delivered by his carrier within a maximum of 48 business hours, after delivery of the order to the carrier for delivery addresses in France and 6 days abroad (see delivery times).

ALEXANDRE DE PARIS through undertakes to make his best efforts to deliver the products ordered by the Customer within the time specified above. These deadlines are given as an indication and any overrun may not give rise to any damages and interest or withholding by the Customer.

In any case, the customer may suspend or cancel its payment without notifying Alexandre de Paris and without prior approval of Alexandre de Paris.

All bank cancellation fees are the responsibility of the customer with his establishment.

However, if the products ordered were not delivered within 30 days after the validation of your order:
- First you shall ask us, by registered post with proof of receipt or any written way made through lasting support (such as e-mail for instance) to perform the delivery within an additional reasonable period;
- In case the delivery hasn’t occurred during this additional time, you may, under the same ways, inform us that you terminate the contract;
- The contract will be considered terminated upon receipt of the letter or email informing us of the cancellation unless we have performed the delivery between the sending of your mail and its receipt.

The sums paid by the Customer will then be reimbursed within fourteen (14) days of the request for cancellation of the order, excluding any compensation or withholding.

For reasons of availability, an order can be delivered in several times to the Customer. The customer only pays for one delivery. If the Customer wants to distribute the delivery of his order on 2 different delivery addresses, he must place 2 separate orders, and will have to pay the respective delivery costs to these two orders.

All products leave our premises in perfect condition.
Each product (not discounted or targeted by a commercial action of Alexandre de Paris and its partners) is delivered in a suede pouch.

Any product discounted or targeted by a commercial action of Alexandre de Paris and its partners, will be delivered without a suede pouch.

The Customer must always check the package upon receipt and will have a period of three (3) days from receipt of the products to file a claim with the carrier in case of missing products or degradation of the delivered products. After this period, the products will be deemed compliant and free from any apparent defect. At the end of this period of three (3) days, the Customer retains the benefit of his right of withdrawal and legal warranties, under the conditions provided below.

In case of error of delivery or exchange, any product to exchange or refund must be returned to the seller as a whole and in its original packaging in perfect condition at the address of the seller.

To be accepted, any return must be reported and validated by Alexandre de Paris.

Right of cancellation and exchange
Right of cancellation and procedures for returning products
You have 14 (fourteen) calendar days to exercise your right of cancellation, from the date of receipt of your complete order.
During this period, you may return products without providing any justification nor paying any penalty.
All products may be subject to cancellation, excepting those excluded under Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code.
Returned goods must be intact and must not have been worn for any extended period of time.
To exercise your right of withdrawal, you can either use the withdrawal form available on the site or make a non-ambiguous statement indicating your intention to return the Product(s) and attach a copy of the purchase invoice as well as any document proving the date of receipt of the products, so as to identify the order.

A full refund requires a complete return order. Unreturned products will be deducted from the balance and you will benefit from a credit note (=> a private code) on a future order of the amount of the returned products.
To download and print the Cancellation Form, click here.

ALEXANDRE DE PARIS will confirm receipt of your cancellation request by email.
You must then return the product to ALEXANDRE DE PARIS to no later than 14 (fourteen) days following your cancellation, by mail, to the following address: Z.I 19, rue François Rochaix 01100 ARBENT.
Costs for returning the product via mail are your responsibility (except in the case of a product that is defective upon reception or an error committed by ALEXANDRE DE PARIS when sending the Product).

ALEXANDRE DE PARIS undertakes to refund all sums paid within a period of 14 days which runs from the reception of your parcel at its premises, subject to compliance with the conditions mentioned above, as well as standard “one-way” shipping costs for the latter if you return your entire order.
A full refund requires a complete return order. Unreturned products will be deducted from the balance and you will benefit from a credit note (=> a private code) on a future order of the amount of the returned products.
Deliveries with supplements are reimbursed within the limits of the standard shipping charges.
If you do not return your entire order and keep one or more ordered Products, the “one-way” delivery charges will not be refunded.
Refunding will be executed using the same payment method as the one used for ordering. As appropriate, using your Paypal account, otherwise and by bank transfer for international transactions (please attach your bank details, including your IBAN).

Product warranties
Products for sale on the website are covered by product compliance (L.217-7 and following in the French Consumer Code) and the warranty against latent defects (article 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code), allowing you to return defective or noncompliant products.
Article L.217-7 of the Consumer Code: non-conformities which appear within a period of twenty-four months from the delivery of the goods shall be presumed to exist at the time of delivery, unless there is evidence to the contrary. For second-hand goods, this deadline is set at six months.
The seller can challenge this presumption if it is not compatible with the nature of the good or the non-conformity in question.

Article L.217-8 of the Consumer Code: the consumer is entitled to demand that the asset conforms to the contract. He shall not, however, dispute its compliance on the grounds of a
defect already known to him, or whose existence he could not deny of knowing at the time of concluding the contract. The same shall apply when the defect has its origin in materials supplied by the consumer.

Article L.217-9 of the Consumer Code: Upon a lack of conformity, the consumer is entitled to ask for the goods to be repaired or replaced. However, the seller may not proceed after the choice of the consumer if this choice involves a manifestly disproportionate cost in regards to the other solution, given the worth of the good or the nature of the defect. Unless he cannot, he then has to proceed according to the other possibility not chosen by the consumer.

Article L.217-10 of the Consumer Code: If the good cannot be repaired nor replaced, the consumer may return the good and be refunded for its cost, or keep the good and be refunded for a portion of the price.
He may do the same in the following cases:
1° If the solution requested, proposed or agreed upon pursuant to Article L. 217-9 cannot be implemented within a period of one month after the consumer’s claim
2° or if this solution cannot be implemented without major inconvenience for the buyer given the nature of the good and the use the buyer intends to make of it.
However, the sale cannot be rescinded if the non-conformity is minor.
Article L.217-11 of the Consumer Code: Implementation of the provisions of Articles L. 217-9 and L. 217-10 is free of charge for the buyer. Likewise, these provisions do not exclude the benefit of damages and interest.
Article L.217-12 of the Consumer Code: the action resulting from the non-conformity shall lapse after two years from the delivery of the goods.
Article L.217-13 of the Consumer Code: The provisions of this section do not deprive the buyer of the right to enforce the action resulting from redhibitory vices pursuant to articles 1641 to 1649 of Civil Code or any action, based on contract or any other basis legally enforceable.

Article L.217-13 of the Consumer Code: Recourse action may be undertaken by the final seller against successive sellers or intermediaries and the supplier of the tangible asset, according to the principles of Civil Code.
Article 1641 of the Civil Code: the seller is bound to a warranty on account of the latent defects of the good sold, which render it unfit for the use for which it was intended or which so impair that use that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would only have given a lesser price for it, had he known of them.
Article 1642 of the Civil Code: the vendor is not responsible for visible defects that can have been discerned by the buyer.
Article 1644 of the Civil Code: Pursuant to articles 1641 and 1643, the consumer may choose either to return the good and be refunded for its cost, or keep the good and be refunded for a portion of the price, decided by experts.
Article 1645 civil Code: if the seller was aware of the defects in the good, he is bound, not only to refund the price paid, but also all damages to the purchaser.
Article 1646 of the Civil Code: if the seller was unaware of the defects in the good, he is bound only to return the price paid, and to reimburse to the buyer the expenses incurred by the sale.
Article 1647 of the Civil Code: if the good with build-in defects disappeared because of its bad quality, the seller shall bear the loss and refund the buyer with the purchase price as well as any damages pursuant to the two previous articles.
The buyer shall bear any loss caused by fortuitous event.

Article 1648 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code: an action resulting from redhibitory defects must be brought by the buyer within a period of two (2) years from the discovery of the defect.
From its date of purchase and upon presentation of your ticket, your accessory Alexandre de Paris carries a one (1) year guarantee on the following events:
- Loss of SWAROVSKI™ crystal
- Unsticking of a piece of the product
- Loss or break of spring or metal fastening
If your product is more than one year old or you cannot prove your purchase, a contribution of 20 euros will be invoiced per item returned.
Please note that, with the exception of legal warranty, even during the warranty period, we will not be able to:
- accept worn, tarnished (hairspray/spray), rusty, broken or dirty product
- replace missing part
In order to ensure that we are in a good position to take charge of your repair, we ask you to send us photos of your accessory.

Disclaimer of Warranties
Are excluded from warranty any Products that have been modified, repaired, integrated or added, without the authorization of the seller. The warranty will not apply for visible defects.

Force Majeure
ALEXANDRE DE PARIS has a performance obligation for all the steps in the ordering process, as well as the steps following the conclusion of the contract.
Thus ALEXANDRE DE PARIS undertakes to describe with great accuracy the products sold on the website.
On the other hand, neither party shall have breached its contractual obligations, insofar as their fulfillment was to be delayed, hindered or prevented by an unforeseeable circumstance or force majeure (Act of God).
A case of force majeure is any compelling fact or circumstance, outside of the parties’ purview, unforeseeable, inevitable, independent of the will of the parties and which cannot be prevented by them, despite all possible and reasonable efforts.
The following events shall be explicitly considered as cases of force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those usually accepted by case law and the French courts: disruption in means of transportation, earthquake, fire, storms, flood, lightning, telecommunication networks down or difficulties specific to telecommunications networks external to the customers, epidemic, pandemia ...
The party affected by such circumstances shall notify the other within ten working days as of the date on which it is informed of them.
The two parties shall then consult with each other, within a period of three months, unless this is impossible due to the force majeure case, to examine the impact of the event and agree on the conditions in which the execution of the contract will be continued.
Should the force majeure situation last longer than one a month, these general conditions may be terminated by the injured party.

In all cases, the credit card number provided on line and the final confirmation of the order shall be deemed evidence of proof of completeness of the said order in accordance with articles 1366 and 1367 of the Civil Code, and shall constitute payability of the amounts incurred through the capture of the products listed on the order form.
This validation constitutes a signature and an express acceptance of all transactions carried out on the website. However, in the event of fraudulent use of the buyer’s credit card, the buyer is invited, as soon as he has determined this fraudulent use, to contact Customer Service by calling +33 7 85 59 15 11 (cost of a local call from a landline, additional charges may apply depending on the operator).
IT records stored in the computer systems, under reasonable conditions of safety, will be regarded as evidence of communications, orders and payments between the buyer and ALEXANDRE DE PARIS.
The archiving of the purchase orders and invoices is performed on a reliable and durable medium, constituting a true and lasting copy in accordance with article 1348 of the Civil Code.

Intellectual Property
All elements of the website, whether visual or audio, including the underlying technology, are protected by copyright, trademarks or patents. Similarly, the trademarks, logos, designs and models on the website are the exclusive property of ALEXANDRE DE PARIS.
Their disclosure shall not be construed as granting any license or right of use of said trademarks and distinctive elements protected by copyright. They may therefore not be used under penalty of counterfeiting.
Thus, none of the documents from the website may be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any form whatsoever.
However, it is possible to download a copy of the documents on a computer for your personal use and only for non-commercial purposes, provided you do not modify the information contained and keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Any modification of these documents or their use for any other purpose constitutes an infringement of intellectual property.
If you have a personal website and you wish to place a direct link to the home page of the website for personal use, you must request permission from ALEXANDRE DE PARIS. This will not in any way constitute an implicit agreement of affiliation.
On the other hand, any hypertext link to the website using the technique of framing or in-line linking is prohibited.
In all cases, any link must have to be removed pursuant to a request from ALEXANDRE DE PARIS.

Personal information
When ordering, the personal data collected will be processed electronically.
The Company ALEXANDRE DE PARIS is liable for the processing of these data. In accordance with the law 78–17 dated 6 January 1978 modified by the law dated 6 August 2004 and European Regulation n°2016/679 dated 27.4.2016 on protection of personal data, any customer has rights of access and rectification in relation to his/her personal information, as well as opposition to the processing of his/her personal data and portability. To exercise any of these rights, you shall send your request, indicating your e-mail address, name and postal address, by e-mail to the following address: [email protected].

“Personal data” refer to the information about the client as a private person willingly shared by the client. Personal data encompass nominative data (such as name, first name, e-mail address, post address, phone number) in order to process the client’s order.
You shall get more detail about the purposes and rights of the Client and how ALEXANDRE DE PARIS collects and processes personal data in our privacy policy here.

Partial non-validation
In the event that any one of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions were held to be invalid or declared such pursuant to a law, a regulation or following a decision by a competent jurisdiction, the other provisions shall remain valid and binding.

The failure of either party to claim a breach by the other party of any of the obligations contained in these Terms and Conditions shall not be construed in the future as a claim regarding the obligation in question.

Questions, comments and complaints
We invite you to contact our Customer Service for any question, comment or complaint you may have regarding your order by calling the following number: +33 4 74 77 28 32 (cost of a local call) Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:30, or by mail addressed to ALEXANDRE DE PARIS Z.I 19, rue François Rochaix 01100 ARBENT.

Applicable law and jurisdictional competence
These Terms and Conditions are subject to French law.
The present General Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. This shall apply both to rules of substance and to rules of form.
In case of dispute or claim, the buyer should first contact the seller to reach a friendly solution.
The competent court in case of dispute will be that of the residence of the defendant.
The website is compliant with French legislation, and in no case does ALEXANDRE DE PARIS guarantee compliance with local legislation that would be applicable to you whenever you access the website from other countries.

The present site «» (herinafter the Site) is published by the company ALEXANDRE DE PARIS, a simplified joint-stock company registered under French law with a capital of 10.000 Euros, registered in the Bourg-en-Bresse Trade and Companies Register under number 530 777 960, whose head office is at the following address: Z.I. -19 rue François Rochaix - 01100 Arbent - France.
Intra-European VAT N° FR 31 530 777 960
Tel: +33 4 74 77 28 32
E-mail address: [email protected]
The editor is Mr Sébastien Bailly.
The site is hosted by COMAITE, 2, place Alexandre Farnèse, 84000 AVIGNON.

Copyright and intellectual property:
The Site and its content are protected by intellectual property law.
The Site is the exclusive property of ALEXANDRE DE PARIS.
Any reproduction and/or representation, total or partial, of any element on the Site is prohibited without the express prior consent of ALEXANDRE DE PARIS.
Requests for permission should be sent to the following address: ALEXANDRE DE PARIS Z.I. -19 rue François Rochaix 01100 Arbent - FranceOr to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes a counterfeit within the meaning of articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Trademarks mentioned on the website are registered and are therefore protected.
The brand Alexandre de Paris and its associated logo is the property of the company ALEXANDRE DE PARIS.

Any representation, reproduction, and/or utilization, whether partial or complete, of the above trade mark is prohibited.
Hypertext links to the Site are possible with the prior written permission of ALEXANDRE DE PARIS.
ALEXANDRE DE PARIS strives to ensure the accuracy of the information published on the site and reserves the right to modify it without prior notice.
ALEXANDRE DE PARIS accepts no liability in case of difficulty of access to the Site or interruptions in the connection.

Delivery is offered from  180 € of purchase
You have a question? Contact Us 07 85 59 15 11
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