Delivery time with DHL Express
The deadlines of this carrier are communicated to you for information. Maison Alexandre de Paris cannot be held responsible for a longer period.
Countries French & English Version | Deadlines* | |
Açores | Azores | 2 |
Afghanistan | 4 | |
Afrique du Sud | South Africa | 3 |
Albanie | Albania | 2 |
Algérie | Algeria | 3 |
Allemagne | Germany | 1 |
Andorre | Andorra | 2 |
Anglo Normandes (îles) | Channel Islands | 1 |
Angola | 4 | |
Anguilla C.B. | 4 | |
Antigua | 4 | |
Arabie Saoudite | Saudi Arabia | 3 |
Argentine | Argentina | 4 |
Arménie | Armenia | 3 |
Aruba | 4 | |
Australie | Australia | 3 |
Autriche | Austria | 1 |
Azerbaidjan | Azerbaijan | 3 |
Bahamas | 3 | |
Bahrein | Bahrain | 3 |
Bangladesh | 4 | |
Barbades | Barbados | 3 |
Belgique | Belgium | 1 |
Belize | 3 | |
Bénin | Benin | 3 |
Bermudes | Bermuda | 3 |
Bhoutan | Bhutan | 5 |
Bielorussie | Bielorussia | 3 |
Birmanie (Myanmar) | Burma | 3 |
Bolivie | Bolivia | 4 |
Bonaire | 4 | |
Bosnie Herzegovine | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 2 |
Botswana | 3 | |
Brésil | Brazil | 3 |
Brunei | 4 | |
Bulgarie | Bulgaria | 1 |
Burkina Faso | 4 | |
Burundi | 4 | |
Cambodge | Cambodia | 3 |
Cameroun | Cameroon | 3 |
Canada | 3 | |
Canaries | Canary Islands | 3 |
Cap Vert (îles) | Cape Verde | 4 |
Cayman (îles) | Cayman Islands | 3 |
Centrafrique | Central African Republic | 4 |
Chili | Chile | 3 |
Chine | China Peoples Republic of | 3 |
Chypre (1) | Cyprus | 2 |
Colombie | Colombia | 3 |
Comores | Comoros | 6 |
Congo | 4 | |
Congo (Rép.D.) | Democratic Republic of Congo | 3 |
Cook (îles) | Cook Islands | 5 |
Corée du Nord | North Korea | 4 |
Corée du Sud | South Korea | 3 |
Costa Rica | 3 | |
Côte d'Ivoire | vory Coast | 3 |
Crète | Crete | 2 |
Croatie | Croatia | 2 |
Cuba | 4 | |
Curaçao | Curucao | 3 |
Danemark | Denmark | 1 |
Djibouti | 4 | |
Dominicaine (Rép) | Dominican Republic | 4 |
Dominique (île) | Dominica | 4 |
Egypte | Egypt | 3 |
El Salvador | 3 | |
Emirats Arabes Unis | United Arab Emirates | 2 |
Equateur | Ecuador | 3 |
Erythrée | Eritrea | 3 |
Espagne | Spain | 1 |
Estonie | Estonia | 1 |
Etats-Unis | U.S.A | 2/3 |
Ethiopie | Ethiopia | 3 |
Falklands (îles) | Falkland Islands | 5 |
Feroé (îles) | Faroe Islands | 4 |
Fidji (îles) | Fiji Islands | 5 |
Finlande | Finland | 1 |
Gabon | 3 | |
Gambie | Gambia | 3 |
Géorgie | Georgia | 3 |
Ghana | 3 | |
Gibraltar | 3 | |
Grande Bretagne | United Kingdom | 1 |
Grèce | Greece | 1 |
Grenade (île) | Grenada | 4 |
Groenland | Greenland | 5 |
Guadeloupe | 3 | |
Guam (île) | 4 | |
Guatemala | 3 | |
Guernesey | Guernsey | 2 |
Guinée Bissau | Guinea Bissau | 4 |
Guinée Equatoriale | Equatorial Guinea | 4 |
Guinée République | Guinea Rep, | 3 |
Guyana | British Guyana | 4 |
Guyane Française | French Guyana | 3 |
Haïti | 3 | |
Honduras | Honduras Republic | 3 |
Hong Kong | 2 | |
Hongrie | Hungary | 1 |
Inde | India | 3 |
Indonésie | Indonesia | 3 |
Irak | Iraq | 4 |
Iran | Islamic Republic of Iran | 4 |
Irlande (Rép) | Ireland Rep,ublic of | 1 |
Islande | Iceland | 2 |
Israël | Israel | 2 |
Italie | Italy | 1 |
Jamaïque | Jamaica | 3 |
Japon | Japan | 3 |
Jersey | 3 | |
Jordanie | Jordan | 3 |
Kampuchéa (Cambodge) | Cambodia | 4 |
Kazakhstan | 3 | |
Kenya | 3 | |
Kirghizistan | 3 | |
Kiribati (Rép) | Kiribati Rep, of | 5 |
Kosovo | 2 | |
Koweit | Kuwait | 3 |
Laos | Lao | 4 |
Lesotho | 3 | |
Lettonie | Latvia | 1 |
Liban | Lebanon | 2 |
Libéria | Liberia | 3 |
Libye | Libya | 3 |
Liechtenstein | 1 | |
Lithuanie | Lithuania | 1 |
Luxembourg | 1 | |
Macao | Macau | 3 |
Macédoine | Republic of Macedonia | 2 |
Madagascar | 4 | |
Madère | Madera | 2 |
Malaisie | Malaysia | 3 |
Malawi | 3 | |
Maldives | 4 | |
Mali | 2 | |
Malte | Malta | 2 |
Man (île) | 2 | |
Maroc | Morocco | 2 |
Marshall (île) | Marshall Islands | 4 |
Martinique | 3 | |
Maurice (île) | Mauritius | 3 |
Mauritanie | Mauritania | 4 |
Mayotte (île) | 4 | |
Mexique | Mexico | 3 |
Micronésie | 5 | |
Moldavie | Republic of Moldova | 3 |
Mongolie | Mongolia | 4 |
Montserrat | 4 | |
Monténégro | Montenegro | 4 |
Mozambique | 3 | |
N. Marianne (îles) | Northern Marianas | 4 |
Namibie | Namibia | 3 |
Nauru | Nauru Republic of | 5 |
Népal | Nepal | 5 |
Nevis | 4 | |
Nicaragua | 3 | |
Niger | 4 | |
Nigeria | 3 | |
Niue (île) | 5 | |
Nlle Calédonie | New Caledonia | 6 |
Nlle Zélande | New Zealand | 4 |
Norvège | Norway | 2 |
Oman | 3 | |
Ouganda | Uganda | 3 |
Ouzbekistan | 3 | |
Pakistan | 3 | |
Panama | 3 | |
Papouasie Nlle Guinée | Papua New Guinea | 5 |
Paraguay | 3 | |
Pays-Bas | Netherlands | 1 |
Pérou | Peru | 3 |
Philippines | 3 | |
Pologne | Poland | 1 |
Polynésie | Polynesia | 4 |
Porto Rico | Puerto Rico | 3 |
Portugal | 1 | |
Qatar | 3 | |
Réunion | sland of Reunion | 3 |
Roumanie | Romania | 1 |
Royaume-Uni | United Kingdom | 1 |
Russie | The Russian Federation | 3-4 |
Rwanda | 3 | |
Saïpan | 4 | |
Salomon (îles) | Solomon Islands | 5 |
Samoa | 5 | |
San Marino | 2 | |
Sao Tomé et Principe | Sao Tome and Principe | 4 |
Sénégal | Senegal | 3 |
Serbie | Serbia | 2 |
Seychelles | 3 | |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | 3 |
Singapour | Singapore | 2 |
Slovaquie (Rép) | Slovakia | 1 |
Slovénie | Slovenia | 1 |
Somalie | Somalia | 4 |
Soudan | Sudan | 3 |
Sri Lanka | 3 | |
St Barthélémy | St. Barthelemy | 4 |
St Eustache | St.Eustatius | 4 |
St Kitts | 4 | |
St Martin | St. Maarten | 4 |
St Pierre et Miquelon | 5 | |
St Vincent | 4 | |
Ste Lucie | St. Lucia | 4 |
Suède | Sweden | 1 |
Suisse | Switzerland | 1 |
Surinam | Suriname | 4 |
Swaziland | 3 | |
Syrie | Syria | 3 |
Tadjikistan | Tajikistan | 4 |
Tahiti | 4 | |
Taïwan | Taiwan | 3 |
Tanzanie | Tanzania | 3 |
Tchad | Chad | 4 |
Tchèque (Rép) | The Czech Republic | 1 |
Thaïlande | Thailand | 3 |
Timor Oriental | East Timor | 5 |
Togo | 2 | |
Tonga | 5 | |
Trinité et Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago | 3 |
Tunisie | Tunisia | 3 |
Turkmenistan | 3 | |
Turks et Caicos (île) | Turks and Caicos Islands | 3 |
Turquie | Turkey | 2 |
Tuvalu | 5 | |
Ukraine | 3 | |
Uruguay | 3 | |
Vanuatu | 6 | |
Vatican | 1 | |
Vénézuela | Venezuela | 4 |
Vierges UK (îles) | British Virgin Islands | 4 |
Vierges US (îles) | US Virgin Islands | 4 |
Vietnam | 4 | |
Wallis-Futuna | 7 | |
Yemen | 4 | |
Zambie | Zambia | 4 |
Zimbabwe | 3 | |
Chypre (1): Partie turque (nord de Chypre) pas desservie | ||
* Deadlines: in working days given for information More informations: |